
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Garden

Yesterday,  I was finally able to get into my garden. Usually, I have all my early spring garden crops planted by now but the weather has just not cooperated. I heard the weather man say last night that we will be in the top 10 coldest March's in history here in the Bluegrass. Yesterday, I started putting together my raised beds and putting down lime. We have our chickens on the garden all winter so I always put down lime before I start planting each year. I also went and bought the first round of cabbage and kohlrabi plants.

Today and tomorrow, I am hoping to get my first spring crops in the ground. This will include beets, onions, spinach, lettuce and cilantro. We will see how things go today.

Happy planting!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Baby Chicks First Day Out

Buff Orpington Chick
5 Weeks Old
Today was moving day for our baby chicks. They are now five weeks old. Normally we attach the run somewhere between the third and fourth week but the weather has just not been cooperative. Today, it was finally warm enough to give it a try. It is always fun to watch their first little, timid, explorations in the outside world. First, there is a brave one who sticks her head out. Eventually they move out into the open. Soon others cautiously join them. They run back and forth and do not venture out too far. Eventually, they will make it to the end of the run. After the first day, they will be waiting at the door to get out each day now that they realize that the big outside world is not so scary. We all sat around, watched and took pictures of this venture for over an hour today. As I have said before, "Who needs TV when you have chickens to watch?"

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Baby Chicks

We were able to pick up our baby chicks from our friend on Saturday. Because it is still quite chilly out, my husband put a remote thermometer in coop so we could monitor temperature. Jokingly, I asked where my remote cam was going to be placed. My daughter and he immediately set about installing one for me. It has been so much fun to turn on the computer whenever I want and see what they are doing. Their antics are so cute at this age and they grow up so fast. I am hoping to share some pictures with you soon.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tree Pruning

Today, Chuck and I spent the day pruning trees. We are a little behind schedule this year. I try to get it done by the middle of February but the weather and our lives were not cooperative with that schedule. Last night, as I was telling someone what was on the agenda for the day, I heard once again someone tell me that they are "scared" of pruning. Basic pruning is not that hard to learn and is essential to tree health as well as good "looks". Here are some basic tips.

1) First, use good quality, sharp hand pruning sheers. Cuts need to be made at the tree collar (see illustration). Cuts should not be made randomly along a limb. Never prune more than 25% off a tree each year. Do not "top" the tree.

2) Look at the overall shape of the tree. Remove branches that do not fit in with the trees shape.

3) Next, remove any dead branches.

4) Look for branches that touch and/or cross over each other. When branches touch each other or cross each other, it sets up a perfect breeding ground for disease.

5) Cut out "suckers" including branches coming near the tree bottom near the ground and those growing straight up.

The best time for pruning is late winter before the sap starts running and leaves begin to appear. Pruning a tree from little on up, saves a lot of headaches later on.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sweet Home Spun

My friend, Jo, gave me a spinning wheel over a year ago. I have tried to make it work and do what I say to spin yarn for a while. Finally, I got frustrated enough, I put it back in the bedroom and that is where it has sat. A couple of weeks ago, I was watching the KET show called "Kentucky Life". They did a segment on a fiber place in Henry County named Sweet Home Spun. After the segment, I quickly looked up their website and e-mailed them to ask if they did yarn spinning classes. I received a prompt replay and found their price very reasonable and affordable with our limited budget. We set up an appointment for today.

I brought my spinning wheel with me. The class was one on one and was with the owner JoAnn. She was patient and a great teacher. At the end of two hours, my feet and hands were much more coordinated with each other and I came home with a small skein of usable yarn. It will still take some practice to build up my consistency but I am well on my way.

JoAnn and her husband have their own sheep herd from which her fiber comes. She has processed wool roving that is dyed or natural available in her store to buy. Here is the link to her website: Sweet Home Spun 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

El Rancho Tapatio

Last night, our women's group from church sponsored a Ladies Night Out. We went to a local restaurant that someone had read good reviews about. We dined and caught up with each other and enjoyed some delicious, authentic, Mexican food. We ate at El Rancho Tapatio which is located at 144 Burt Road here in Lexington. The food was delicious and I especially liked their salsa which tasted of roasted tomatoes and peppers but was not too spicy. The prices were very reasonable. If you are looking for some great Mexican food, this is a great place to go. Here is a link to their web page which includes a menu and pricing. El Rancho Tapatio Restaurant